sábado, 16 de abril de 2016

The Closed Door

Recently, on page Indiegogo, I started a crowdfunding campaign for the creation of a visual novel inspired by the Cthulhu mythos. For those who know what the term crowdfunding, it is a collective funding, crowdfunding, in which an idea that needs a financial support to reach their destination an idea or initiative can succeed through collective cooperation.

With regard to my project, unfortunately, I could not reach even 10% of the money required for its realization. Perhaps the idea came very quickly and not let it gestate well, and threw it to the network of networks without fully understanding everything that should be known in this world of the internet and success in such campaigns.

I just want to say that, so far, the "Closed Door" project will enter a period of review. A pause while "Learning with the Old Ones" comes out. When are absolutely sure that the project can function, it will be there when the darkness is hidden behind the closed door out of its lethargy.

I want to thank those who supported me in one way or another, I wish you all primigenial blessings for you.

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